NCBI’s letter to Braille readers regarding the adoption of Unified English Braille (UEB)
Dear Sir/ Madam
RE: Unified English Braille
I am writing to you as a Braille reader in Ireland. As you may be aware, there are some changes that will be made to the English Braille code in Ireland. Currently, Ireland uses the Standard English Braille Code (SEB). This code is changing for the English Language internationally and Ireland is delighted to announce that it will be adopting the Unified English Braille (UEB) code. This follows a unanimous vote in favour of UEB at the most recent INBAF (Irish National Braille and Alternate Format) committee meeting and has been fully acknowledged by the Department of Education and Skills (DES).
The founding members of INBAF include National Braille Production Childvision, NCBI and Arbour Hill. Ireland is the last country from the International Council of English Braille (ICEB) to adopt UEB. This will bring Ireland in line with other members of ICEB, namely; the UK, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, South Africa, Canada and Nigeria.
UEB is fully based on the existing English braille code (Standard English Braille or SEB), with some significant changes. These changes will take away ambiguity from many difficult braille signs.
While the code has been adopted it will take some time to implement the changes. For the time being documents will continue to be produced in Standard English Braille. We will notify you before full implementation of UEB occurs. We will update our website frequently to ensure the transition is as smooth and straight forward as possible. On the website you will find Frequently Asked Questions regarding UEB, information documents and booklets regarding UEB and a Primer will also be available in due course. We will host information events in various locations in 2014.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via or call us 018642266.
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